Weekend Recap: Ole 5 Que, Tinkerbell 10k & Mothers Day

First off HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!  Now I am starting this post a little backwards today so just bear with me.

It is Mother’s Day and I thankfully have NO plans… I am sitting here in my chair, Starbucks in hand enjoying the background noise of golf on the TV. Days like this are few & far between and I probably said that already and you will more than likely hear it again & again. I am a busy mom, my quiet time is usually early mornings with God or out on a run. I figure when my kids are older and not around as much I will have plenty of time for “quiet”.  This morning after a 4 mile run my family & I attended church as we normally do and our pastor is starting a new series called Money, Sex & Power. He mentioned a few things about what details he will get into and already has me thinking about my own life.

 At one point I always felt the need to have the newest things, the nicest things, etc etc and that obviously derives from not having much in our earlier years as a couple. As the years went on the more money we made the want and need for more sort of went hand in hand. Now I am going to be truthfully honest here and tell you that it is I that had that desire for all the “things” my husband on the other hand, a saver, a simple man, old school in a sense buy what you need not what you want type of guy. So all in all it was a great balance. over the last couple of years I realized that things are just things and the difference between wants & needs. 

Lets just say I am a work in progress but I have come a long way.  I can proudly say I have given up much for a few reason… 1. So that we can SAVE 2. So that we can RACE 3. So that we can TRAVEL.

WE LOVE TO TRAVEL but if you know me I am a baller on a budget! I am that simple, basic, nothing fancy, save where I can kind of traveler. It is the only way we can do all the things we want to do. I also plan a year in advance and start saving early.

Needless to say I am looking forward to this series at church, the more I learn the more I can apply  in my life and most of all I want to set good, healthy financial examples for our children.

I have always agreed with the saying, collect moments not things. It just makes sense. right?

So as I stated I am going backwards on this post…. a quick recap on yesterdays 10K at the Disneyland’s Tinkerbell weekend. If you remember my very first half marathon was this very same race in January 2014. I ran that alone ( not really) but no one I knew personally and I seriously forgot how magical and fun this race is! I am not the biggest Disney fan, I mean I love the place but the cost & the crowds just make it  too hard on the pocketbook to enjoy it. This year my friend & I decided on running the 10k this distance is all in the parks you start off outside on the main street and work your way into the parks. When I ran the half  last year I just felt the second leg was boring and that could have totally been based on the fact that I was running it “alone”. So naturally during yesterdays race I was beating myself up for not signing up for the half marathon or the challenge! The challenge is running both the 10k & The Half to earn a 3rd finishers medal.

   So upon arriving to the Expo I finally got to meet a couple Instabuddies!! My friend Melissa and Wendy. See we became instagram friends over a year ago because we all ran Tink last year (same hastags) but living in different cities/states we’d never met in person. So that was pretty awesome!

This 10k felt easy, I was finally in the front of the corrals in B  ( last year I think I was in E) When you are put in the front it means you have a faster pace, and faster pace means less crowds. Our pace started out good, the surroundings were awesome , we stopped for photo ops and told ourselves we were going to just enjoy the run and not worry about pace. We ran into my instabuddy Melissa at Cinderellas castle and we all stuck together until the end.  It was pretty awesome. I was very happy with the pace even with all the stops we made for photos. As always coming up to the finish there they were my little family cheering me on. It brings me so much joy to see them and their smiles. ( hubby admitted they left the hotel room a little late and almost missed me) but they made it and I am so happy to have their support.


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Crossed the finish line 1:16:54 and earning my wings…. again! 😉 Already telling myself that next year I will run the challenge and earn all that pretty bling!

 A friend of mine also traveled down to run her very first RACE/Disneyrace she did great and was so happy to see her cross the finish line with a huge smile on her face! Way to go Michelle!!!

This was a short trip as we have another birthday trip for our kids in 4 weeks. So we headed home after a quick stop in LA for some yummy lunch.

Last recap before I leave this chair and make my way to the couch for some TV time. ( It’s mothers day I get the remote)

Tuesday night & Cinco de Mayo: We had a 5 mile local race and the reward? Tacos, Beer, Churros & of course bling. I usually do not run races during the week but we couldn’t pass this one up. Not only did we have fun BUT my sister ran her very first 5k race! She did an amazing job and I am so happy she did it! My brother in law & hubby also ran the 5k so they were waiting for me to come in from the 5 miler. Yeah I don’t know what I was thinking when I signed up for  5 miles… Not only was it 5 miles but it was hills… and I was just not prepared. I had some really great pacers though my fellow bears & friends Kerry & Debbie. I told myself I would not let them out of my sight so they kept me going and we crossed together! It was so much fun, we earned out tacos & churros and cute little bottle opener medals! Thankful to my friend Katrina for letting my kids hang with her at one of the water stations, they helped out and I got to see them at the halfway point.

        My next race you ask? I am hosting a virtual race next weekend may 17th for the Flex it Pink, Girls run the world charity. There are anywhere from 15-20 ladies coming out to run either a 5k or 10k to earn their bling! I am really looking forward to this one should be tons of fun!

The weather is starting to warm up so that means a few things, either early morning runs, late night runs or dreadmill runs…. My hubby is a nut and LOVES to run in the heat. If I have to I do it but if I can avoid it trust that i am….

Real quick update on weightloss….. or should I say weight gain…. I once again have fallen off practicing better eating habits. My weight has fluctuated once again between 150-152. My goal is 140 by August 7th I know I still have time and maybe that is the issue… I am trying NOT to do drastic loss and was hoping to practice & maintain healthy habits so it becomes normal. I am not giving up trust that I am just having a short setback. back at it again………

I hope you all enjoy your week! Whatever it may bring always remember that  nothing in this world is permanent and this too shall pass…. Just keep swimming.  To all the Mothers enjoy your day!

Peace, Love & happy running.



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